Having fresh and healthy skin is one of the desires that has nothing to do with age and gender, because these days almost a wide range of people are looking for different methods to rejuvenate their skin. Regardless of their gender and how old they are! From the past until now, there have been various methods for treating boils, blemishes, wounds, etc., some of which can be used traditionally and others using special medical techniques. Microneedling is one of these facial skin rejuvenation methods, whose history dates back to more than 50 years ago! Maybe this issue seems a little strange to you, but it must be said that this treatment method is very similar to one of the treatment methods of the ancient Egyptians! Stay with us to introduce you to this method of skin rejuvenation.
What is microneedling?
As mentioned, micro needling is one of the newest treatment methods used to remove the scars of many skin injuries. It is interesting to know that this method is considered as one of the non-invasive treatment methods that has been used for many years in a different way with the same purpose of rejuvenating the facial skin. Because in the past, the Egyptians removed the dead layers of the skin by using rough, marble-like masks and thus paved the way for rebuilding and restoring the skin.
How is microneedling done?
In performing microneedling, a device with small needles is used, which creates small holes on the facial skin due to contact with the facial skin and applying a certain amount of pressure. slow To do this, this treatment method can be implemented in one of the following two ways:
In this method, a device called dermaroller is used, which consists of a series of rollers with a large number of small and thin needles made of titanium, to create holes of a certain depth. Currently, it is not possible to use needling devices with different materials such as silicone, glass, metal, polymer, etc. in Iran.
Using the device
In this method, a device whose speed can be adjusted is used to create holes with a certain distance. Therefore, the number of pores created on the surface of the skin in this method is much higher than the manual method and gives better results.
In both cases, the opening and the created wounds cause the serum and other therapeutic substances to enter the skin pores to start the repair and regeneration of the skin anew. For this reason, before doing this, a serum composed of substances such as vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, etc. is usually applied to the skin. The use of this serum has a positive effect on accelerating the process and amount of collagen and elastin production, and as a result, it regenerates and rejuvenates the facial skin at a faster rate. How deep the needles enter the skin depends on the degree of skin injury and the doctor’s diagnosis.
What is the application of microneedling?
Wrinkle removal and skin rejuvenation
One of the first and most basic uses of this treatment method is to remove skin wrinkles. Because over time, the amount of collagen production in the skin decreases significantly, and this causes sagging and wrinkles in the skin. While using this method and the nutrients that are used to inject into the skin, the amount of collagen and elastin production of the skin increases again.
Treatment of pimples and acne
To reduce the effect of pimples and acne, you can use the restoration technique. As mentioned, during this work, wounds with small openings are created on the surface of the skin, which, if they are well repaired by considering the necessary care, will reduce the previous scars to a great extent.
Reducing the amount of pregnancy stretch marks or obesity/thinness
One of the properties of skin is its elasticity. In addition to the fact that this property of the skin deteriorates over time, with the occurrence of events such as pregnancy, obesity / thinness, etc., severe pressure is placed on the skin and causes the loss of this skin condition in parts of the body. Like stomach, thigh, arm, etc. According to recent studies, this skin condition can be improved to a great extent by using this method of treatment.
Preoperative care of microneedling
Complete cleansing of the skin
As mentioned, serum and special vitamins are used to increase the effectiveness of this treatment method. So, if you want these ingredients to be well absorbed by your skin, be sure to clean your skin using suitable cleansers before doing this.
Tell your doctor about your medical condition
If you have already had a certain skin lesion or are allergic to a certain substance, be sure to inform your doctor.
No use of peeler
Considering that the sensitivity of the skin is very high when doing this work, it is better to stop using any exfoliation two to 3 weeks before this cosmetic procedure so that the skin maintains its strength.
Care after microneedling
Due to the needles that are deeply inserted into the skin, inflammation and bruising are one of the first results of this cosmetic procedure, which causes fear and panic in many people. So if you want the symptoms of this cosmetic procedure to improve as soon as possible, observe the following things after performing this cosmetic procedure:
* Consuming fruits that have healing properties and heal scars and inflammation.
* Not using anti-inflammatory drugs such as Advil and ibuprofen. (Because these drugs interfered with the healing process and allowed