Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is a type of cosmetic surgery that does not require anesthesia and hospitalization for several days. With the doctor’s decision, after the surgery, you can return home without hospitalization on the same day. Although this operation is not heavy like the surgery of other organs of the body, but like any other operation, it needs to pass the recovery period.
By taking care and following your surgeon’s recommendations, you can go through the recovery period safely and see the results of your cosmetic surgery after a while.
In this topic, we will discuss the necessary care after eyelid surgery and we will describe in detail the things and actions that will help you recover faster.
Basic care and tips after eyelid surgery
For some people, the recovery period seems long and boring. Due to the fact that the eyes play an important role in the beauty of the face and eyelid surgery directly affects this area, many applicants for eyelid surgery are in a hurry to see the effect of cosmetic surgery on their eyelids as soon as possible. It should be known that improvement and observation of results happen over time.
After leaving the White House Clinic, someone should accompany you home. It is better not to be alone for the first two days after the operation. On the first night after surgery, the eyes are bandaged. The most discomfort and pain are related to the first few days after the operation, but over time, these discomforts decrease and their effect diminishes.
The stitches are usually removed one week after the operation, and as long as the gauze or steri strips remain, bathing should be done from the neck down. But after that, there is no problem to take a full bath and use shampoo for the hair.
After surgery, you may feel that one of your eyes or eyebrows is not in harmony with the other. This may be due to the non-same speed of wound healing in the two eyelids and may be confused with the asymmetry of the eyes in non-standard eyelid surgery. If the asymmetry of the eyes happened due to a defect in the surgery, it will show itself in the months after the surgery and recovery.
It should be noted that in eyelid surgery, the underlying layers and tissues of the eyelid skin are also changed and manipulated, and their wound healing takes time. The wound healing process of the underlying layers is usually longer and slower. This is the reason that usually during this period the eyelids look hard and contracted and do not open completely. But after about 4 to 6 months, this will be resolved.
* Use soap and water gently to wash daily when cleaning the surgical site.
* You can use contact lenses after two weeks.
* Avoid rubbing and pressing the eyes in the first two weeks after surgery.
How to take medicines after eyelid surgery?
Take the medicines and painkillers prescribed by your doctor on time and regularly. Do not take aspirin and similar drugs except as advised by your doctor.
First, after the operation, you will feel stretch in the eyelids. Burning, dry and itchy eyes are also common at this time. You may also have eye discharge for about a week. In order to improve these conditions, the doctor usually prescribes eye drops such as artificial tears. In the first week, you should keep your eye activity low. Use prescribed eye drops and ointments regularly to prevent dry eyes and infections.
To relieve the feeling of stretch in the eyelid, the doctor usually prescribes lubricating ointments to reduce the discomfort when blinking. Also, antibiotics that are applied topically and in the form of ointments on stitches and eyes cause blurred vision. The use of these ointments continues for a few days after the surgery, and blurred vision is normal during this time.
Numbness or numbness of the surgical site may occur. It may also be uncomfortable to feel the incisions and stitches. During all this time, you can use vitamin E lubricating creams with the doctor’s advice to relieve the feeling of dry eyelids in the surgery area.
Also, some people believe that the use of natural materials such as aloe vera gel has a significant effect in erasing the wound. In consultation with your doctor, you can also use these natural ointments to remove the cut and suture of your eyelid.
In the first few weeks after surgery, the eyes are sensitive to light, wind, or other such things. It is better to use special eye protection so that they are not harmed when exposed to various factors. After this period, you can use creams and cosmetics to cover the bruises until they are completely removed.
Remember that the surgical wound should not be exposed to sunlight for 12 months without protection. Be sure to use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher and wear sunglasses when going out.
How to rest after blepharoplasty
In the first weeks after the operation, when the eyes are in a sensitive state, you may have tearing, blurred vision or double nose. Also feel discomfort when sleeping and closing the eyelids. Rest well during this time.
When resting and sleeping, lie on your back, use several pillows under your head so that the head is at a 45-degree angle to the body and above it. This helps to heal the swelling of the eyelids.
Nutrition after eyelid surgery
Have a healthy and light diet. In the first two days after the operation, use soft foods, such as soup, in addition to its positive effect on the body